
B L U R B - this dream will move on

Always receiving Blurb's post letters announcing their season's discount, too bad I can only make one book in several years, a collection of many so-called masterpieces from myself; and this already dedicated to Yan. And unfortunately she is nevermore belongs to me. This is not sad, at all...

For that memorable book still stored in the database on Blurb, I am planning if in case I have extra money, I shall order a copy of the book. Afterall, that is my piece, crafted with my heart and soul....I never been so focused and devoted before, except for this girl.

Good things awaiting

Strangely today, starting to feel relaxed and relieved, partially due to the decision to delete something to get rid of, and hopefully for the news by earliest tomorrow on the new post.

It is not my fault. I wish myself best of luck.

-- 發送自我的 iPhone



Deck n Beer, another Guinness.
It seems thought and shadows in my head, unwilling to escape inside of me. People walking passing by, chatting at my back... Wanting to sip for a fag...another 5 years, and another failure.
Life is long indeed...and time is slipping with a prolonged moment, wanting to stop it...freezes for an instant, in an blink of an eye I van let go, can I?

-- 發送自我的 iPhone



Season Finale

Finally I cannot hold it any longer....had something important and expected to receive a call or anything but in vain waiting until the final moment.

I made a several calls and deleted the facebook and also msn. This act is to eliminate my unrealistic thoughts upon her, any longer. Nevermore....

This is how it feels like, again, to be broken...

Wednesday Morning

I cannot blame anyone, this is the karma I shall say.

From now on, you are on your own.

Forget any so called love, it's a hoax. Just as I fooled with, once.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

位置:Man Tai St,,Hong Kong


Sunday Night

We met at 7 hung hom station, feeling just like old times only one thing different, I behaved very well. With last night's men talk, I elaborated a bit to her.

We had a beer first while she being upset while waiting for dinner which is annoying. I do feel offended, unlike the old times. Cool down a bit and received the call from the restaurant with the vacant table.

Very good on the food they served.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Hung Hom

4 AM Sunday Morning

Indeed very tired from the outside,had a beer then hit MK for night serving. We had beef chunks. Then took him to the nearest hotel and we both taxied home.
Called it a day! Since 2 pm onwards working for Eleanor at her office.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone



31 Dec 09 Declared Death

I wore black and met her by the Charter Bank for her Insurance Policy, the way she signed was like a divorce papers to me. Afterwards we headed to Starbucks for a final coffee. There she made up her mind to stay single. I judged that from my last 2 days' observation via the phone conversation. She was calm and never wanted to see me in person, stay aloof...I let her think and she made her choice, in fact we both made our choices.

I came to ask her the reasons, why on earth? Why all of a sudden? Why on the last day of 2009? Why have to be on the same month after I lost my job? It has to be a bad timing, a very fucking bad timing indeed for me....I never stay happy throughout this month..I feel desperate, and helpless....and there another great thing happened comes around...she loses interest and refused to resume....very indeed meaningful...to me as a leaping development.

Am I not doing enough? I keep asking myself...maybe I am stupid, in fact I think I am...once again, I have a string sense of feeling stupid and rejected....very very nice indeed...and Should accept this failure...or what are my choices anyway?

I swallowed them all, at the cost of ripping my heart apart....

More negative dismays are waiting for me to catch up...

And I am the only one, alone in the Dark again....